Harmonic Resonance Healing Level 1&2
Featuring The Angelic Code
June 18 - June 30 2018
Puivert, Languedoc, France
All inclusive with manual and certification.

The Angelic Code is a major Lightbody Ascension intensive that draws its inspiration from Simon Hinton's extraordinary channelled work of recent years.
Harmonic Resonance Healing is the highly advanced healing system that emerged from the Angelic Code. These two retreats follow on directly from each other and may be attended singularly or together as they offer different complementary aspects of Simon Hinton’s extraordinary transformational work.
The Angelic Code is a totally unique and transformational retreat based around the new Angelic light energy codes downloaded to Simon Hinton as an extension of his 'Fractal Decad of Integrated Ascension'. This Ascension system is a highly advanced process of opening the Lightbody or personal energy field, and reconnecting us back to the ‘Central Soul’ and beyond. This retreat involves travel to key sacred sites within the Languedoc area
and potent daily activations to open the heart activate 12 strands of DNA and facilitate Ascension.
Harmonic Resonance Healing is an incredible new healing system for the planet given to Simon Hinton by super luminal beings and Angelic Ones. It emerges as the practical application of the Angelic Code teachings to help humanity in this vital time of its transition. In level one in Puivert each person is attuned to 8 symbols over the 7 days for great health of body, emotions and mind. The journey continues in level two, delivering a life-changing recalibration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and an exponential increase in the light capacity of the energy vehicle. This enables an unprecedented rapid opening, expansion and clearing of the Lightbody, to facilitate a fully integrated Ascension process. The result is of these attunements is an exponential increase in healing abilities, coupled with a massive physical and emotional detox, rapid expansion in psychic awareness, intuition and creative abilities and a total transformation on all levels! This unparalleled expansion releases ‘Karmic Imprints’ liberating us from the debilitating effects of previous damaging behaviours. Grace indeed!
Simon’s new teachings are the most advanced on the planet and take traditionally popular healing systems such as Usui Reiki, Vortex Healing and Karuna to a completely a new dimension of power, as our field opens and the light floods in! The focus is primarily on opening the heart, and HRH level one reveals 4 heart chalice symbols that enable this central conduit to Divine Power to be rapidly and permanently expanded.
We will be staying at Métairie d'en Bor, a beautiful rustic farmhouse located in 650 acres of stunning countryside on a major energy vortex that is a potent inter-dimensional portal. This portal Simon Hinton was guided in 2014 by the Great White Brotherhood to seek out and work with.. It features majorly in his work in helping reincarnated Cathars regain their power and to help shift the global paradigm back to Love and lift the ‘Curse of Rome’.
Métairie d'en Bor is situated on the edge of Puivert, in the heart of Cathar Country, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of southern France.
Delicious vegan, vegetarian and seafood dishes will be specially prepared and served daily.. Each day on the Angelic Code after the morning guided meditation we will enjoy a stunning buffet brunch, before leaving to visit key sacred land sites of the region where the unique Angelic teachings and energy attunements will be magically transmitted. Everything is taken care of: food, wine, accommodation, transport and expert local guidance by the brilliant and charming sacred artist, Luc Tibor Erdos
Join us for a week of profound healing, celebration, initiation and psychic expansion with a beautiful community of people.
HRH 1 Retreat June 18th-24th, 2018
£1800 shared room
£2400 private room
HRH 2 Retreat June 25th-30th, 2018
£1800 shared room
£2400 private room
HRH 1 & HRH 2 Combined
£2400 shared room
£3000 private room
Manuals, certification and aftercare service and support given.
Enquire about our early bird discount.
Minimum 50% deposit required
Balance to be paid in full by June 7th 2018
*All food, wine, entry to sites, accommodation and transportation to and from Carcassonne included. Flights to and from France excluded.
Please contact us about our excellent early bird discount offers.
All attendees must agree to the terms and conditions of Simon Hinton retreats.
Previous Retreats
Harmonic Resonance Healing Level 1

The Samui Ridgeway Estate and Spa, KO SAMUI, THAILAND
May 4th - May 14th 2017
With manual and certification. All inclusive*
Harmonic Resonance Healing is an incredible new healing system for the planet given to Simon Hinton by super luminal beings and Angelic Ones. It emerges as the practical application of the Angelic Code teachings to help humanity in this vital time of its transition.
In Level One each person is attuned to 8 symbols over the 10 day retreat.. These deliver a life-changing recalibration of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and an exponential increase in the light capacity of the energy vehicle. This enables an unprecedented rapid opening, expansion and clearing of the Lightbody, to facilitate a fully integrated Ascension process for great health of body, emotions and mind.
The result is of these attunements is an exponential increase in healing abilities, coupled with a massive physical and emotional detox, rapid expansion in psychic awareness, intuition and creative abilities and a total transformation on all levels! This unparalleled expansion releases ‘Karmic Imprints’ liberating us from the debilitating effects of previous damaging behaviours. Grace indeed!
Simon’s new teachings are the most advanced on the planet and take traditionally popular healing systems such as Usui Reiki, Vortex Healing and Karuna Reiki to a completely a new dimension of power, as our field opens and the light floods in! The focus is primarily on opening the heart, and HRH Level One reveals 4 heart chalice symbols that enable this central conduit to Divine Power to be rapidly and permanently expanded.
The location is a stunning luxurious centre in the beautiful hills of Ko Samui, Thailand: the Samui Ridgeway Estate and Spa. This stunning spa retreat is just 10 minutes from the beach and has its own gym and luxury pool areas, and massage and sauna is available daily. The food is created by expert chefs who will provide delicious locally sourced, vegan, vegetarian and fish cuisine daily. All drinks including alcoholic beverages are included in the price..
There are many beautiful temples and sacred sites in the area and visitations to these are planned. This is retreat is small bespoke and special and limited to just 9 clients.
Rooms are shared unless specified.
*All food, wine, entry to sites, accommodation and internal transportation included. Flights to and from Ko Samui are not included. Accommodation is very spacious. Partnered couples discount is available.
£2950 per person sharing.
£3950 private room with ensuite bathroom
£5250 married/cohabiting couples sharing.
Early bird discount is available when booking before February 14th 2017, minimum 50% deposit required. Balance on all bookings must be paid in full by March 15th 2017.
Ko Samui Retreat - Testimonials

Quantum Law of Attraction - The Foundation of Creation -
Your Success DNA

Next event:
New Ibiza Retreat details scheduled for October 2017 soon to be released.
"I have been an esoteric and self-development researcher for over 25 years and have been privy to some PIVOTAL and VITAL knowledge that can help you find a strong connection to your Higher Self and operate consciously within the natural cycles of the Universe. From my research, practice and experience I created QUANTUM POWER PROGRAMMING in 2006, a system of generating and maintaining personal power by connecting us to the heart of our operating system: THE QUANTUM MIND.
In recent years the Law of Attraction concept, i.e. that our thoughts create our reality, has become very popular. But there is MORE, much MORE. The QLA teachings integrate traditional self-development writings with new energies and understandings to help you find soul path in this the new QUANTUM AGE of expanded perception and individual will.
The Quantum Law of Attraction will help you to explode your personal power to create good FORTUNE daily in your life.
Armed with these critical insights and the necessary ACTION, I guarantee you will possess an incomparable edge in making the best decisions in your life with perfect timing. I have been fortunate to have been initiated into many advanced streams of consciousness which has transformed my personal energy, intuition and healing power so I can help others. When we are in our natural rhythm we can manifest easily. When we are out of the flow life tends to be difficult, a struggle, and it becomes much harder to make things work and create abundance. Furthermore we are much more likely to become stressed and fall sick.
In life, TIMING is vital for success, and the QUANTUM LAW of ATTRACTION will show you how to connect consciously to various universal currents such as the moon cycle as a gateway to the grander cosmic cycles, and use your energy with greater efficiency to MANIFEST your desires. It is a scientific fact that the moon directs the tides – in just a day a quiet sea can turn to a raging ocean, and it is the same with human emotions, for we are mostly made of water. Knowing with in advance the nature of the forces that influence us (lunar, solar and stellar) enables us to prepare and act appropriately on any given day. When we recognise and work consciously with this subtle flow we can act with harmonic precision in all our affairs and combat challenges with ease.
The Quantum Law of Attraction Courses transmit the key fundamentals for MANIFESTING. On our luxury retreat you will learn proven techniques that will help transform your reality. You will learn how to make your new way of being as natural as eating and sleeping. Over 6 days we will help you form positive new habits for your mind and body and help you become open to your own guidance and psychic awareness.
On THE FOUNDATION OF CREATION workshop you will be shown how to use the 19 key elements in the process of MANIFESTATION, under 7 main categories. We will look at some of the common obstacles that can throw us off our life course such as the Higher Self v Lower Self issue, and the problem of self-sabotage. You will learn how to practice congruence in your actions, desires and outcome-choices to help you MANIFEST easily.
During the RETREAT you will have constant access to QUANTUM LASER, SCALAR WAVE THERAPY, SUPER REIKI and other QUANTUM HEALING modalities all of which can help clear pain and negative emotions, and assist you in getting in the right right frame of mind to receive these powerful teachings and access your Higher Self. When the Quantum Law of Attraction is applied consistently, your life will realign and TRANSFORM, leading you to discover your true purpose for being on the planet.
This MANIFESTATION course comes with a detailed manual and full certification for the Quantum Law Of Attraction.
On the retreat you will get the chance to work with me personally as well as in the group scenario. In this way I can coach you and help you transcend any obstacles to success you may have, and find the right pathway. A FREE back up service will also be provided post-retreat to help you maintain momentum in your TRANSFORMATION and FLOW.